On the Road Again …

I spent the better part of today driving.  The day did not start out pretty.  I woke up to SNOW (which is never a good sign when you are planning a road trip).  And this was the third morning in the row that I got less than six hours of sleep (thank you, early morning seminary).  I got back from […]

The Great Snow Day Hoax

So we had snowy weather forecast for late Monday and into the afternoon of Tuesday, along with freakishly (for Denver anyway) cold temps. Monday afternoon was not fun, I will admit. I had to take Andrew to a Drs. appt about 20 minutes away (in good weather). Because of the very slick roads and snow it took me closer to […]

Snowing …

It’s snowing today and as I was driving Spencer to seminary this morning I thought, “snow is so magical” – which got me thinking.  What is it about snow that seems so magical to me?  After all, it’s frozen water, and I don’t think rain is magical at all!  I thought back to when I was a kid, growing up […]

This Morning

Here’s what we woke up to this morning… I guess winter is making an early appearance.  Good thing I cleaned out half the garage – no scraping snow & ice off my car now!!

It’s Snowing Again!

Despite the prodigious amounts of snow that fell last week, the snow was pretty much gone by Saturday (gotta love Denver weather!) and now we’re having another snowy day (though the forecast is for a measly 2-6 inches).  I personally am glad to have the snow – I’ve missed it this winter – but it is a little odd in […]