Cleaning tip

So about two years ago I had the master bathroom remodeled.  You might remember?  The old shower door (and probably the existing tile too, though it wasn’t clear) looked like this- (Not my actual door because I wouldn’t want a picture like this normally!) Periodically I would try to scrub it clean with various promising products and then with plain […]

Time for a Schedule

When I was much younger (like in high school and college) I quite enjoyed keeping a daily schedule.  I picked out a planner each year and took a lot of pleasure in “booking” all my obligations.  Weird, I know … When I got married and then had Spencer I never really had a schedule.  My life wasn’t that complicated, and […]

This and That

This month I have been working on getting things done that I’ve been putting off.  Like buying a new car … Here’s a list of the things I’ve done so far: fixed the leaky faucet in the kids’ bathroom (this has been leaking for at least six months …) finished the painting project that I started back in October (the […]