100 truths – Compliments of my sister Erin
So – I read Erin’s post on her blog at the right time of day and decided I’d actually act on her tag (i think this is the first time ever!!)
1. Real name: Johanna Cottle Wood
2. Nickname: A few people have called me Jo, but generally I don’t have one (except for an “oldie” – Johanna, banana)
3. Status: happily married
4. Zodiac sign: aries
5. Male or female: female
6. Elementary: uhhh – I’m from the Navy – the only school name I remember is Monroe Elementary
7. Middle School : South Sevier and Mt. Ararat
8. High School: Mt. Ararat, University City, Mt. Carmel (yes, three schools in four years!!)
9. College: Brigham Young University – go Cougars!
10. Hair color: mousy brown – but I haven’t actually seen my real hair color in at least ten years!
11. Long or short: short
12. Loud or Quiet: I’d have to say quiet
13. Sweats or Jeans: jeans
14. Phone or Camera: phone by default – I never remember to take pictures
15. Health freak: can you be a chocoholic and a health freak?? I don’t think so…
16. Drink or Smoke: neither
17. Do you have a crush on someone: nope
18. Eat or Drink: eat definitely
19. Piercings: ears
20. Tattoos: none
21. Music: pop, rock, country, classical
22. Comedies or Horror: comedy
23. First piercing: when I was 10 – it was my birthday present and we went to a real jewelry store (at least I think so)
24. First best friend: lucy ryals
25. First award: ?? no idea
26. First crush: jeff coon
27. First Boyfriend/Girlfriend: david reese
28. First pet: beep (the cat) is the first pet I remember
29. First big vacation: aside from the regular visits to Utah, the first big vacation I remember was going to Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, and Hearst Castle on our way from San Diego to Monterey.
30. First big birthday: “big” – hmmm – there was my 8th birthday (I think) when I invited everyone in my class and we played games on my Grandma’s big front lawn. passing the lifesaver on toothpicks stands out vividly!
31. First Car: 86 chevy nova – (this was my sister’s first car too!! – that car got around!)
32. First Favorite Song: I’ve never been a big music fan, but I distinctly remember “I’m all out of love” by Air Supply when I was in Jr. High.
33. First phone: honestly – I think my first phone was the one we bought when we got married??
34. First Surgery: none
35. First time on an Airplane: I’m conjecturing, but probably when my family moved to Hawaii when I was two.
36. Phone Call: spencer
38. Text Message: alex – I think – had to have been when Ben was in the hospital (i don’t text!)
39. Song you listened to: “If I had a million dollars” Barenaked Ladies (doing some housecleaning today!)
40. Time you cried: Sunday – reading “You’ll Find a Way”. (I’m a nerd!!)
41. Getting on your nerves: nothing – my kids are in bed!
42. TV: jazz game – Tom’s watching
43. Drinking: nada
44. Hair: short but needs a cut and a haircolor
45. Wearing: jeans, striped button down, pink slippers
46. Eating: nada
47. With: Tom, my computer
48. I’m about to: get off the computer (I’ve been spending too much time on LibraryThing) and go read
49. Listening to: the noise from the jazz game
50. Plans for today: the day is almost over (yea!) and I’m planning to go get comfy in bed with “Confessions of a Shopaholic” (the book – which so far is not as good as the movie)
51. Want kids: have three – thinking about maybe adding more
52. Want to get married: already done that – successfully to this point!
53. Careers in mind: mom
54. Place of Residency: I’m pretty happy here in Colorado – but you never know
55. Car or Truck: car
56. Shorter or taller: taller
57. Romantic or spontaneous: romantic
58. Sensitive or loud: sensitive?
59. Serious relationship or casual dates: serious relationship
60. Trouble maker or hesitant: hesitant? (what is this supposed to mean, anyway??)
61. No one knows what 61 is supposed to be.
62: Lost glasses/contacts: yes (sigh) a very expensive pair of glasses – teach me to do that again
63: Ran away from home: no – but I’m sure I threatened!
64: Hold a gun/knife for self defense: does a Book of Mormon count?? – no on the gun/knife thing
65: Killed somebody: thankfully no
66: Broken someones heart: I doubt it
67: Been arrested: no
68: Cried when someone died: definitely yes
69: Kissed a stranger: no
70: Had someone ask you out and you said no: unfortunately no – I always said yes (beggars can’t be choosers??)
71: Laughed until you cried: yes – usually very late at night!
72: Met someone who changed your life: yes
73: Fallen in love: yes!
74. Found out someone was talking about you: yes
75. Been Cheated on: yes
76. Cheated on anyone: no
77. Lost someone special: yes
78. Broken a bone: no
79. Yourself: i do
80. Miracles: i do
81. Love at first sight: not really
82. Heaven: i do
83. Santa Claus: i do
84. Holding Hands on the first date: depends …
85. Kiss on the first date: no
86. Righty or Lefty: righty
87. Last time you saw your Dad: first weekend in january
88. Do you like the snow: yes
89. Whats your favorite season: summer!
90. Can you swim: i can
91. Ridden a horse: i have
92. Ridden a bike: lots
93. Photogenic: not really
94. Have siblings: yes
95. Beach or Mountains: beach!
96. Hot or Cold: hot – I love not having cold feet!
97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: yes
98. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life: yes
99. Do you believe in God: wholeheartedly
100. Post as 100 truths and tag at least 5 people: Feel free to post your own 100 truths!
i didn’t know you shared the curse of cold feet!!! mine are frigid as we speak! 🙂 we must be sisters 🙂
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