So, we’ve been home a week and what a week it has been. Last Saturday we gathered together to see Andy get baptized. I’m not sure what, if anything, he got out of the event – but we are hopeful!! The younger kids are still punishing Tom & I for being gone a week. They are all over the place with their emotions and we’re fighting old battles over what’s o.k. and what’s not. Such is the life of kids with insecure attachment as babies & toddlers. We talked about how their baby cousins are learning to trust their parents by playing “peek-a-boo”, having their parents leave the room for a short while, spending time with a babysitter, etc. Then we talked about how they are having to learn these things as older kids, but that they can learn in their hearts that we will always come back. Not sure it registered, but it made me feel better! Spencer has officially finished Middle School. I really can’t believe it! Can I really be the mother of an almost 14-year-old? He’s totally excited for the summer – hope it lives up to his expectations! My expectation is that he is going to work, work, work!! I don’t think that is what he is hoping for. Still trying to get him to get our pictures of Hilton Head posted. Hopefully this week. And I’m trying to get Tom to post occasionally – we’ll see!
anonymous (unverified): I hope things are going better with the kids.
May 30, 2008, 11:03 AM (UTC -4)