Well the other one had so many issues that I couldn’t stop myself from making another one. The layout is based heavily on the web monkey website
Anyways, i know that my website has been down a lot lately, well i will be switching hosting within the next 48 hours, so by then it should be stable (for those of you who are wondering).
Well enjoy the amazing designs by spencer (yeah right), and comment what you think.
Andrew (unverified): Spencer, the new layout looks pretty good. One question though, where is my css tutorial? Do you really want me to learn it from the net?
May 21, 2008, 12:18 PM (UTC -4)
Spencer (unverified): No DON’T lol I want to say that I taught you something.
I’m working on it right now, I just want it to be good.
May 21, 2008, 06:12 PM (UTC -4)