Quick Thoughts …

So, I’ve been having trouble finding a theme that works.  I noticed, after about a week, that the last theme wouldn’t let me post comments!  What good is a blog if people can’t comment???  For now I’m back to a theme I know works.  Just wish it was a little cuter, or something …

On the very last leg of my New Testament project.  Read John this week – what a powerful book.  On every page, multiple times, there is the Savior testifying of who he is and what he came here for.  Really enjoyed it.  Tomorrow I start Revelations – the last book of the quest.  Hope I can make heads or tails of it!

Have been battling depression and now a head cold.  Maybe the depression was actually me being low-grade sick?  Whatever it is, I have had the hardest time making myself do anything.  I get the kids off to school and (until the cold got bad)  make it to the gym and then I just want to sit around or sleep.  Work has been really slow, so I’ve been able to get away with only going for a few hours a week.  There are things just begging to be done in my home but I just think about it and then go lay down!  What are your tricks for beating the blues?  I’m going to up my dose of B vitamins and see if that makes a difference.

Finally – I’m not much of a pianist.  It is sad, but true.  I thought if I just put in some consistent practicing everyday, I’d begin to see some improvement.  Just not happening.  If I manage to get a song sounding good during the week, the pressure of playing while a room full of kids is singing torpedos my efforts and I end up picking out the melody with the right hand and forgetting the key signature and just generally sounding awful.  Everyone is very nice, but the fact remains, my accompaniments are hardly inviting to the Spirit.  It’s discouraging.  I’m thinking about piano lessons.  Still, I’m enjoying being back in Primary among the kids at church.  They are fun, and it’s nice to know firsthand what my kids are learning.  I can use it as ammunition!!!

I’m on a kick to read some more Newberry Medal winners.  I started this a couple of years ago and was trying to read the older ones first.  But they are hard to get a hold of, strangely enough.  So I just started reading the ones I have in my house.  I like fiction for kids and teens – most of the time the books are slim enough that they can be read in a day or two – even if I don’t have a lot of time to read.  And the stories almost always make me think.  Read Caddie Woodlawn yesterday in about an hour.  What a charming book.  Seriously – you should read it!

Off to take Spencer to cello lesson.  He is sounding good.  But think how great he would sound if he would practice more!!  Oh well, it has to be his passion, not mine.  I’m happy that he is still playing and will practice a little everyday.

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