Bathroom Renovation

You know that saying “you’ve bitten off more than you can chew”? or “your eyes were bigger than your stomach”? Well, this is how I feel about the bathroom renovation I just completed. I knew it would be a decent amount of work. I have actually done pretty much all of the renovation tasks before, either by myself or with […]

Just My Opinion

In my school days (and probably long after that!) I was a lot like Hermione Granger in that I always had something to say.  I wasn’t nearly as smart as she is, but I had lots of opinions and I had to share them. The problem with over sharing is that inevitably you become a pest or worse, you actually hurt […]

Tom’s birthday and other stuff

This week was Tom’s birthday.  I remember the first birthday we celebrated without him – he’d been gone just barely two weeks.  I was still in a state of shock.  We had dinner with family and brought along a lemon cake that Tom had a fondness for.  Last year, grateful to have one of Tom’s signature recipes, I invited all […]

A Little Update

I haven’t written in awhile.  It’s not that things haven’t been going on, because they have.  My oldest child is getting married in a few short weeks.  Everyone keeps asking how the reception plans are going and if they can help.  Since the event is happening in Utah, my mom and my sister are handling most of it so I […]

A Year Ago

I’m not generally big on commemorating events. We celebrate major holidays and birthdays and our wedding day, but everything else … I guess I just haven’t ever been really big on that.  I haven’t counted the days since Tom died.  I don’t find myself thinking ” it’s been six months”.  But today I can’t help remembering that a year ago […]

missing what is gone

Maybe it is just that I lived for so many years with Tom, but I’m finding being on my own (so to speak) to be unfamiliar and even scary territory.  I had a bout of pretty bad vertigo awhile back and there’s nothing like being incapacitated to make you realize just how vulnerable you are. For the first time in […]

Rainin’ You*

It’s been a weepy kind of day (which I guess is sort of appropriate considering the gray, drizzly weather we have been having).  Last night I caught my son in the act of being particularly ugly to his sister during family prayers. I lost my temper, and then when it was all over, I lost my composure.  Why do I […]


I remember looking up at Tom perched on the boulder that I needed to scale to get out of the slot canyon we had clambered down. He was reaching his hand down to haul me up and I just couldn’t take it. I was petrified that he would drop me or that I would drag him down. He kept reassuring […]

The Bathroom Makeover

So, I’m terrible at taking before pictures… But I have some after pictures of the master bathroom makeover.  A little background. Our master bath is a little “L” off the master bedroom. Originally there was a half wall between the bathroom and the bedroom. There was a standard cabinet with a pink Formica top, and broken drawers (one of which […]

Phones and other things

I tried to give Tom’s phone to Spencer last week. They have the same phone and Spencer’s has been acting up. But when it came right down to it, I didn’t want to lose that connection to life as it used to be.  My phone is linked to his with all our texts. His email accounts are there … It’s […]