
We have a perfectly fine point and shoot camera that we got a few years ago.  I have no complaints – except that it is a bit bulky and it seems like lately I never get it out to take any pictures.  When I was visiting my parents back in March, my mom showed me the new camera she got […]

Updates anyone?

So, it’s been almost a month since I posted.  I resolved that I should take more pictures this year because I have almost nothing of our family from last year.  So far I haven’t taken a single one.  Big FAIL.  There’s always February, right? January has been the month of getting back into the swing of things.  The kids are […]

Haley and Horseback Riding Lessons

Because Tom is a softie and Haley is a “Daddy’s girl”, Haley is taking horseback riding lessons.  She has liked it well enough that we actually bought some riding boots.  I thought I’d post a couple of pictures. Here she is with Ebony. Haley is taking lessons from a friend of ours – she and Spencer were in the same […]