Johanna – Summer Weather

So, we spent our Saturday doing yard work.  We got the chain saw working and took down one of the dead limbs in our cottonwood – then borrowed our neighbors tree trimmer to take down all the smaller stuff.  It looks a lot better, but we spent most of the day working and I could hardly move by the time evening came.  I took some tylenol and crawled into bed and felt surprisingly better in the morning (except for my hands – I didn’t wear gloves and I did do some weeding in addition to bundling branches – my poor fingernails are hammered!).  Spencer and I have had our first week together since he finished school.  I’ve had to bribe him to come to work with me (which is BORING, he says) but he’s had the chance to do some things with friends, and his cousin, Drew,  spent Friday with us – they had a blast!  We are thinking of having a Star Wars marathon day (well, actually two days because we can’t watch all six movies in one day).  I’ll let you know how it went!  We took the kids to see “Prince Caspian” on Memorial Day (oh, yeah – we had a holiday in there some where!).  They really enjoyed it (I did too).  But the rest of the day was a bust.  It rained, so we didn’t have our planned cook out (Tom was going to do “surf and turf”).  Andy had a melt down in the park, so he spent a good part of the afternoon in his bedroom.  Finally, in the evening we went to Texas Roadhouse (our second time) for dinner.  It was good – the kids loved eating peanuts and tossing the shells on the floor.  There was a balloon guy there making stuff out of balloons, so the kids were happy.  Anyway – still no pictures posted.  Will try to twist Spencer’s arm this week!

1 thought on “Johanna – Summer Weather

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      Sarah (unverified): If you and Spencer get too bored I know a girl named Jane who would love to play. lol. We need to spend a Saturday in the yard but it just seems like such a waste of a Saturday. You guys are always so good at sacrificing your days off to do projects. You are a good example.
      June 3, 2008, 11:32 PM (UTC -4)

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