Thinking about Kids

As the mother of one biological child, and two adopted children (who joined our family as toddler/preschoolers) I’ve thought a lot about those experiences that mothers have with their babies during the first three years of life.  I remember really enjoying those years with my first child – especially since I thought it might be my only chance to have those experiences.  However, they are far in the past!  I was watching the young mothers in my ward today, and thinking about my younger siblings who are just starting their families.  It is such an important time in a child’s life – all those daily experiences with a mother and father who are devoted to them.  I watch mothers talking to their small children – their animated faces and enthusiastic voices – and all the caresses and physical attention – like they can’t get enough of their children.  Of course, there are plenty of moments when moms are tired and cross.  But over the years, all that love and attention and joy come out in children who are firmly “in their skin”.  They know where they fit, they know who loves them, they recognize when they are happy or sad or mad and can show those feelings in the way they behave.  And the amazing thing is that kids will learn this just through the everyday love that parents have and show their children every day.  I watch my adopted kids struggle with all these skills – reading their social interactions, feeling their emotions, knowing in their bones that they belong to Tom & me.  Children deserve to be raised by parents who love them and are prepared to care for them and are ready for that task.  Anyway – just a few thoughts.

2 thoughts on “Thinking about Kids

    • Author gravatar

      what a good reminder for all those times when i’m “tired and cross.” it’s one thing (mothering) i always knew i’d do SOMEDAY (but didn’t always look forward to it) and most days i still can’t believe i’ve been given a CHILD! 🙂 wouldn’t trade it (being a mom) for anything at all, though!

    • Author gravatar

      Is being a mom worth it? I give you a resounding YES! The greatest compliment I ever received was having daughters tell me that they wanted to be like me. Or having sons who wanted their wives to be a little like their mom. It only takes about 25 years for the pay-off, but the investment was worth every day. Hang in there all you moms.

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